

It’s very hard to believe that stress is a huge aspect in everyone’s life. Stress can be used for the good and bad. Your body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat, that impacts you is known as stress. “Under stress, your body releases chemicals that give you the added strength and energy you need to protect yourself, but it can also shut down your ability to think, feel and act upon your ability to repair itself”( This issue is important because it affects everyone in so many different ways. For example, you can stress about something major or minor, it just depends on your reaction. To someone else it can be something small but to you it’s something big that’s affecting you. I chose this issue because it’s so interesting to see the effects that stress places on everything.

Stress enters in your life when you are worried about something, or something big is happening that displeases you. Stress can also be used for the good. For example you have an upcoming exam  and you’re stressing over it, some people need that stress and pressure to study harder for them to do good. People like to cram things in at the last minute because they think they work better and will understand it in a much better way than someone else can. I like to pace my work out and not get stressed out about cramming it at the last second. It’s up to you on how you want to use stress.

The issue of stress is important because it can affect someone’s life and the way you think. Stress can lead to different sicknesses, like suicide. Suicide results in when the person is feeling helpless, they have a difficult time coping with stress. They isolate themselves to a dark place of loneliness and unfortunately sometimes can’t get out. Stress can come from homework, family situations, jobs and anything that you worry about and think too much on.

“Stress can also help you rise to meet challenges. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, it sharpens your concentration  when you’re attempting anything”( Some of the percentages of people affected by stress, “80 percent say they frequently or sometimes experience daily stress,  34 percent have felt depressed at some point in the past three months, 13 percent have been diagnosed with a mental health condition such as an anxiety disorder or depression,  9 percent have seriously considered suicide in the past year”(

Stress is a big issue that can be described in many ways. It can be good or bad for you. I chose this topic because it is very interesting how it affects everyone instead of just a handful of people. As a conclusion, stress is not something to play around with and tease someone about. You never know how an individual’s reaction is going to be. To decrease your stress, find something that you really enjoy and take a break to do what you love. Taking breaks and doing other things can get your mind off all the stuff you are participating with  and make you focus on the finer things in life.

Haylee Rose

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